Why Do I Feel This Way? Welcome To The Season Of All The Feels

If the turn towards Autumn has been, well, a lot, you are not alone. 

Seasonal transitions are a thing, even for those of us living in temperate zones where the sun is almost always shining. There’s no denying that the fading daylight hours, longer shadows, and crisp dry winds play tricks on everything from our noses to our nervous systems. 

For some, Autumn is a welcome friend and a great excuse to settle into our fave Hygge habits. For others, it’s the beginning of a freight train loaded with difficult emotions barreling headlong into the specter of the holidays. 

Wherever you are on this seasonal swing, we want to remind you that there is no one way you should feel right now. Down, up, monotone or mixed…what you’re experiencing is called being alive. 

So as we adjust to setting the clocks back, we thought we’d offer you some insight and helpful tips from the team here at Stori to keep yourself in step, rather than struggling, with the unique staccato of the season. 

Fall Is A Whole Mood

We’re sure you’ve noticed by now that each season has its own distinct qualities. The arrival of Fall ushers what was once lush and green into a flush of golden flame, before drying up and giving way to bare branches. This visible and stark change can have a profound effect on our moods. Many people experience a general feeling of grief or sadness during this time, and that’s ok. Let your feelings be what they are and let those tears run if they need to. 

SAD Is Real, Bbs

Seasonal Affective Disorder strikes when the days get shorter and we get less sunlight, the mental health impacts of which can present as fatigue, depression, hopelessness, and pulling back from social interactions. Add a time change to the mix and it’s easy to feel majorly out of whack. If you’re finding yourself feeling overstimulated or stressed, needing more alone time, or just some extra rest, trust what your body is telling you and reach for what feels most supportive. This might look like taking a nap, doing a puzzle, or eating your lunch alone in a quiet corner of a park. And if your daily hacks don’t cut it, consider scheduling a session with us at Stori, looking into light therapy, or even talking with a doctor about medication if you simply can’t shake the Autumn blues.  

Trust The Timing

Autumn marks the beginning of nearly six months in which we literally and figuratively turn inward. This used to be the time of preparing the proverbial cave for the winter’s rest. But in today’s modern world the rush into the holidays instead becomes a frenzied affair. Resist the urge to fly along in the fast lane. Try to find a gentler flow that gives you more room to breath. Balance your socializing with down time. Experiment with reframing this time as a great opportunity to begin slowing down so your body can match the season and restore itself. Try doing less and being more. 

So dig out your chunky knits and fuzzy socks, friends. Pour yourself a steaming mug of tea. Turn your phone to Do Not Disturb and let your inner world start to vibe with the cycle of nature. And if you’re ready to take advantage of this season’s stripped down style with a therapist near you who can help you safely examine the root of your struggles, we’re here for you at Stori. 


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